Happy Halloween!
I considered it an honor last night to be in the same room as Ms. Barbra Streisand. Last night, for my mother's birthday, I had bought her tickets to see her, but unfortunately, I could only afford the "heaven" seats. All that changed as we approached, what I liked to call the "stairway to heaven". A very very nice gentleman pulled us out of line, and offered to upgrade our seats. No strings attached! So, instead of sitting in section 419, we got to sit in 101. We paid $200 a seat, the people next to us and all around, paid over $700. All I can say is "HELLO GORGEOUS"!! Here are some pictures (from the Sun-Sentinel's website) from last night's show. It was amazing!
And today being Halloween, we couldn't go without mentioning that! A bunch of co-workers and I decided to go as "deviled eggs". We won group most original. We were a complete dozen!
And let's not forget about Luke! He was dressed as Pooh...go figure! Luke will be visiting us this weekend. Yay!!
Lots of Love!
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