AMAZING things come to those who wait!!!!

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

21 weeks today!

And sorry...still no belly pics to post! I hope I don't regret it down the line. I'll take some this weekend and think about posting them. To this date, there is still no weight gain; however, every morning when I get dressed I play the "Do I look fat or pregnant" game.
The other night I did a prenatal yoga class through CSMC with some fellow nesties, and I loved it! I plan on doing it throughout my pregnancy. I had bought a video, but it's not the same. The instructor was great and the rest of the class seemed like a great bunch of ladies. Going to the class, and being with 2 of my friends, reminded me of parts of the book Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner (which I had read during my trip to California). I highly recommend it; it's about 3 friends that had met in a prenatal yoga class. If you're looking for a good read, go for it!
Well, this is the start of my promise to blog to all!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer J. said...

Yoga was so much fun! I can't wait to read the book too!